Singing Guide: The Solids

Singing Guide: The Solids

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Solids are a Canadian pop-rock band composed of Carter Bays, Craig Thomas, Steve Kamper, and Patrick "P.K." Kim. The band is known for their upbeat and catchy songs that often feature close harmonies and energetic instrumentation. If you're looking to learn how to sing like The Solids, there are a few key techniques and tips you'll want to keep in mind.

One thing that sets The Solids apart is their use of close harmonies. To sing like The Solids, it's important to work on your ear training and listening skills so that you can match the other members' harmonies. Singing along to their songs and practicing with vocal exercises that emphasize harmony can help you improve in this area.

The Solids are also known for their energetic performances, so it's important to work on your breath support and endurance. Singing exercises that help you strengthen your diaphragm and control your breathing can be especially helpful in this regard. Consider using Singing Carrots' resources on breathing basics, breath support, and vocal health to improve your stamina and control while singing.

If you want to sing like The Solids, you'll also need to pay attention to your vocal range. The Solids often sing in a higher range, so practicing exercises that help you expand your upper range can be beneficial. Singing Carrots' vocal range test and search songs by range tools can be especially helpful here.

Finally, it's important to find songs that showcase The Solids' unique sound and style. Some of their most popular songs include "Hey Beautiful," "The Future Is Now," and "The Over-Correction." Practice singing along to these songs and dissecting their techniques to learn more about The Solids' approach to vocal performance.

By working on your harmonies, breath support, range, and song choice, you can learn to sing like The Solids and embrace their energetic and catchy pop-rock sound. Best of luck on your singing journey!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.